We Meet Individual Needs
Meeting the needs of each of our students (40% of whom are Māori) and seeing them as individuals is our first priority at Kaikōura High School. We endeavour to celebrate our bi-cultural origins, aiming to meet individual needs through extension programmes, remedial programmes and, where appropriate, individual education programmes. The pastoral care system is a particular strength of our School.
School Facilities
The School has spacious grounds and roomy classrooms, including purpose-built rooms like our gym, science labs, a whare, a library and specialist facilities for Food Technology, Technology (Hard Materials), Art, Performing Arts and Computing. While our computer room is well-equipped to teach ICT classes, Chromebook computers are available in all classrooms so that ICT can be integrated into teaching and learning in all subject areas. All teaching spaces provide access to the School’s computer network bringing the educational opportunities of our students to the cutting edge of educational ICT usage. E-Learning is provided to senior students with a wide range of NCEA subjects on offer every year.
We have a wireless environment. This allows senior students to bring electronic devices to school to aid their learning. Junior students (Year 7-10) are not allowed personal devices including phones for use in class. Fibre is also available. This further supplements our ability to offer our students the advantages of blended learning through the most up-to-date technology available.
Learning Support
The Learning Support Coordinator position is part of the Ministry of Education 2019-2025 Learning Support Action Plan.
The role encompasses working with classroom teachers, parents and whānau to identify and respond to students’ needs, in order to promote ako (learning) and hauora (health and wellbeing) and an inclusive learning environment for all.
The Learning Support Coordinator also works with outside agencies such as the Ministry of Education Special Education Services, Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour Services, and local agencies.
Course Counselling
An information session is offered to parents and senior students outlining the options available in all curriculum areas. This facilitates informed decision-making by the student with the support/involvement of their parents. All students in Years 8-12 are encouraged to discuss possible subject choices with staff in Term 3 for the following year. This process involves the balancing of student interests and aptitudes with their career aspirations and their ability in each subject. This is carried out by Deans, Managers and Curriculum Area Leaders, but often involves advice from subject teachers as well. The School sees this as a very important process and encourages parents/caregivers to become involved in this, as well as to take part in our Academic Review Day.
Student Leadership
It is our aim to develop leadership at every level within our school, starting at Year 7. Broad leadership criteria have been developed for students, largely based on our core values, the willingness to serve the School and the community and a willingness to develop as a leader. The leadership criteria are displayed in every classroom along with the Core Values and our Learning Vision.
Students are offered opportunities to develop and assume leadership in a growing number of roles within the School.
These include:
- Student Representative on the Board of Trustees
- Head students
- Prefect/Peer supporter
- Tuakana/Teina
- Senior/Junior Student Council member*
- House Captain
- Head Student Librarian/Student Librarian
- Lunchtime Activities Coordinator
- School Ambassadors (Year 8)
Our Head Students also assume responsibility for the running of our assemblies, and each one of the Head Students attends the senior leadership team briefing every morning.
*The Student Council is made up of representatives from all year levels. Each Student Council (Senior and Junior) meets regularly under the guidance of a Deputy Principal to discuss matters relating directly to the students themselves.

(Left to Right) Lachlan Fissenden, Ashley Novis, Grace Pettit, Jackson Godsiff
Student Voice
We are increasingly involving our students in decision-making within the School, through a variety of ways of collecting the Student Voice. This involves interviews and surveys conducted with our students on an on-going basis and then making the required changes in order to better meet their needs.