Hiratū vs Whakatū
Kaikōura High School’s library goal is to help every member of our school community – students, staff, families and whānau, to gain new knowledge and skills for learning and personal development. The library space is a central point for students to read, join in activities, and access information. We have an extensive collection of fiction and non-fiction books. There is access via the library blog on the High School’s website to an array of interactive and learning tools.
Friday Activities
Students will partake in a range of Sports and Activities on a Friday afternoon. These are picked by the students with the intention of improving skills in a competitive environment. Some of the sports and Activities groups will be selected to play against other schools in Term 2 and Term 3. There is a stronger focus this year on students progressing at a sport they take seriously rather than a “club” they do for fun. This has been done with the intention to minimise behavioural disruptions and also help students participate in sports they can’t normally do when their other sports are in season e.g. Playing football in netball season.