
General Enrolment Information

Enrolment forms are available online (click here) or from the School Office.

When students are enrolling mid-year interviews with new students and their parents/caregivers are conducted by the Principal/Dean of Level. New students make subject choices at the time of enrolment, and these choices can be discussed with the Principal at the enrolment interview. Any other questions or requests can also be dealt with at the same time.
Enrolment interviews for the students starting at Kaikoura High School at the beginning of each school year are usually held in Term 4 of the preceding year. These interviews are usually arranged by, and conducted at the High School. However, parents/caregivers may choose instead to phone the School Office and make their own arrangements.

Enrolment link for 2024

Prospectus 2024


Enrolment Form Paper Copy

NCEA Information Level 1 https://www.kaikourahigh.school.nz/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/NCEA.pdf

Donations & Fees

As the school is part of the Ministry of Education School Donations Scheme, parents are not asked for an annual donation to the school or for course fees.

Parents will be asked to pay a voluntary donation for food, transport and accommodation for overnight activities such as school camps, field trips, or outdoor education activities.

Students studying courses with practical work are required to pay for the costs of the take-home materials involved.

School activities such as performances by visiting drama groups are voluntary, and parents are required to pay if their child/children attend. Separate charges are also made for student travel in relation to sports fixtures and sports exchanges which students elect to attend.

Adult Students

Adult students may enrol for full-time or part-time study in courses at any level, as long as they can fulfil the entry requirements for each subject. Adult students must be at least 19 years old.

International Students

Code of Pastoral Care for international students

Start your learning journey with KHS