Kia ora tātou – thanks to everyone who came to the consultation meetings around the appointment of a new principal, it’s great to have such a wide community turnout and to get everyone’s input into the school and leadership. We have changed things up a bit in terms of student leadership – the feeling has been that we have not been engendering leadership as well as we could, nor giving enough opportunities for our many amazing young people to step into leadership roles. So we have had a wee shake-up of the prefect process and the job descriptions. On Wednesday our Year 11/12 students received the new role descriptions that hopefully give them a far better idea of what will be expected of someone applying for one of the positions. It also allows us to move to a more portfolio-based system so prefects have clear areas that they are responsible for. This selection process begins now with the prefect team being announced just before seniors finish in November and the Head Students announced at prizegiving. We are also planning to invest more in our training – we have applied for MoE funding for a program for our senior leaders, they have peer support training and hopefully also a leadership camp.
However, we also need leadership across the school and opportunities for students to taste these roles earlier. We already have an excellent librarian system (thanks to Mrs Lean and Ronda) so we are also looking to re-introduce leadership roles at Year 10, and continue and strengthen the ambassador roles at Year 8. New ‘job descriptions have been written for each area and have been shared with the respective form classes – we will get them up on the website soon too.
I really encourage students to put themselves out there – leaders find their feet at different times and it is not a prerequisite that a student must be a junior leader to apply for a senior leadership position. Instead, the intention is to put roles in the school that can encourage and develop students’ leadership skills across all their years at school, or give them a taster and see if it’s something they want to aspire to. We have some fantastic leaders in our school – it will be great to see them develop over the next few years!
Nga mihi,
This Week | Date(s) |
Supernet Netball | 8/8 – 10/8 |
Y9/10 Ski Trip | 9/8 |
Assembly | 16/8 |
Cantamath Trip | 23/8 |
SISS Hockey | 27/8 – 2/8 |
Our annual fundraiser is on 21st October 2023. Entries are open via the website www.kaikouramountainstosea.com – we would love to see some student and whānau teams take on 10km each on our marathon route, or give the 5km a go! Everyone wins a medal & some awesome spot prizes up for grabs this year. Don’t miss out!
Fee bills will be sent out each term, but whānau are welcome to come in during office hours (8 am – 3 pm) to make payments.
Cash and EFTPOS are both accepted
Bank Transfer
Kaikoura High School
03 1586 0023051 00
Reference – Full Name of Student
Here is a link to our office guide for whanau. Check it out to keep in the loop
Keep Calm and keep reading!!
Rhonda has been busy. Come and check out some of our new books in the Library.

Rangiora New Life Volleyball Competition
Last Thursday (27 July), Miss Smith took a group of students to play volleyball at Rangiora New Life School. The team may have been a little underprepared and were not surprised to lose their first game, but after a bit of a pep talk, a warm-up game and some excellent coaching from the more regular volleyballers, they miraculously pulled it out of the bag and ended up winning 2/3 games! To quote Arie Seddon; “The comeback is real! It’s actually real!”

Hanmer Netball Competition
In preparation for the Supernet tournament on 9 August, Jaegan and Miss Smith took their Senior A Netball team to Hanmer for a few warm-up games against Huruinui and Amuri Area School. The team were especially keen to re-play Amuri after their defeat at the Combined Country High School’s tournament earlier in the year. We had a successful day with 2 wins (38-12 v Hurunui and
45-25 v Amuri)! Annalise Harris headed over to Culverden with KNC umpire Lauren Martin to umpire for the team, which would have been a great experience for her umpire development, so a big thank you to those two & the parents who came and supported!

North Canterbury U16 Rugby
Congratulations to our boys who have been selected for the North Canterbury U16 rugby team for this season: Jacob Ford, Uenuku
Manawatu, Lachlan Fissenden and Zach Sutherland.