It was wonderful to celebrate our students’ achievements at the end of the school year at Prizegiving last week. And great to have the students lead so much of it! Thanks to everyone for coming and sharing such a good night. Lots of information about the start of year, stationery packs for juniors and other bits and pieces below. A note of caution that there will be some significant works on the school site from January 8th including removal of the old coal boilers and removal of some old roof panels. This means heavy machinery, fenced-off areas and contractors on site so be aware if you are coming on the grounds that much of it will be fenced to prevent entry.
On a positive note for staffing for next year we have appointed our new Deputy Principal – Mr Shawn Gough – who will work alongside Mr Lawrie and myself in the leadership team, Mrs Katherine Ruiz is filling the Art position for 2024 and Mr ALex Larkin joins us in Science. We have a couple more appointments to make but aim to be fully staffed for the start of 2024.
I hope everyone can have a restful festive season and enjoy time with loved ones.
Nga mihi nui
(reminder all uniforms, other than shoes and Backroad jerseys, are available via the School Office)
Tuesday 23rd January
11:00 – 14:00 and 16:00 – 18:00
Wednesday 24th January
11:00 – 14:00
Thursday 25th January
11:00 – 14:00 and 16:00 – 18:00
All school policies and procedures can be found on School Docs with every term a new one for review which parents can comment on.
School Docs Login Details:
Username: kaikourahigh
Password: 7300
Wednesday 31st January
– 9 am Powhiri – new students (Year 7 and 9 mainly but all new students). Students are to arrive at 8:45 am in full uniform
– Students are to arrive at 8:45 am in full uniform
– 10 am Form time (for new Year 7 and 9 only)
– 11 am Morning tea break – Year 9 students finish up
– 11.15 am Homeroom (new Year 7 only) Prefects will be joining around 12.15
– 1.00 pm Lunch
– 2.00 pm Fun activities (slip slide etc) for Year 7 Prefects to run
– 2.00 pm Year 9-13 in the gym, assigned to new Form classes. In Form Time receive timetables. Timetable checking for gaps, redo options, etc.
Thursday 1st February
– 8.40 – 9.15 am Form class (timetables, routines, 2024 etc)
– 9.15 – 10.15 am House meetings – (go from form room) Swimming/Athletic Sports. Wakatū: Library. Hiratū: Gym.
– 10.15 – 10.45 am Deans assemblies
– 10.45 – 11.15 am extended interval
– 11.15 am Period 3 (normal timetable applies)
Term 1 2024 | Date(s) |
Year 11 Science fieldwork | Tuesday 23 January |
Powhiri new students, course confirmation in the afternoon Year 9-13. BBQ 5.30 pm | Wednesday 31 January |
First full school day | Thursday 1 February |
Teacher Only Day School closed | Monday 5 February |
Waitangi Day Holiday | Tuesday 6 February |
Swimming Sports (postponement date 15 Feb) | Tuesday 13 February |
Year 11 Science field work | Friday 16 February |
Athletics Day (postponement 28 Feb) | Wednesday 21 February |
CCHS Swimming Rangiora | Tuesday 27 February |
CCHS Athletics | Wednesday 13 March |
Once again with the support of Paper Plus, we can offer junior stationery packs to save you the hassle!
Packs can be paid for on account or at the start of the year.
– Year 7/8 pack: $46
– Year 9: $95 (this includes the scientific calculator they will need for the rest of their schooling and headphones)
– Year 10 new student: $95 (includes calculator)
– Year 10 returning: $50
– Please email requests for packs to bnorozi@kaikourahigh.school.nz clearly stating which pack you require.
Middle school (Y9/10) will need their own headphones from 2024 this is included in the stationery pack – there is no longer a pool at school to borrow from.
Packs will be available from 29th January for students to collect.
You have no doubt caught up with the New government’s policy of no cell phones in schools which comes into effect at the start of the school year 2024. For those who need a cell phone as they may be off to sport or the like, we will have secure storage in the office where students can hand their phone in at the start of the day and retrieve it at the end.
Other than this it becomes a blanket ban on cell phones. If a student breaches this rule, the cell phone will be impounded by the teacher or support staff. The teacher/support staff will bring the cell phone to the office where it will be logged and kept for safekeeping. If a student is compliant with this process the phone will be returned to the student at the end of the day. However, if a student is not compliant or has two or more infractions then the cell phone will only be returned to a parent.
As many of you will be aware the requirements around the school’s strategic plans have changed a bit and consultation is required on a more regular basis. We have much feedback from the community consultation around the new principal that will be used but now have some more specific questions relating to your child. Feel free to email feedback or take part in one of the sessions that will be happening over the next couple of months – the first is at the Youth Council Pool Party this Sunday 2 – 5 pm at the pool. There will be an opportunity at prizegiving, and again at the start of the school year as well as some others yet to be sorted!
1. Does our school meet your child’s needs?
2. How do you help your child to learn things?
3. What does your child look forward to at school?
4. What enhances the mana of your child? What diminishes the mana of your child?
5. What areas do we need to improve upon?