Pānui 3

Pānui 3

Congratulations to our students who did so well at CCHS Swimming and Athletics. So many placings especially with the worst preparation! Well done to all who achieved what they aimed for and good luck to those moving onto the next level next week. A wee reminder that if your address or phone numbers change, please let the office know, or make the changes on the KAMAR portal so we have up-to-date emergency contacts.

NCEA Information Evening
We would like to invite parents of Year 7-10 students to an information evening on the 29th of March about the new NCEA Changes that come into effect in 2024. It will be approx. half an hour with the information we know to date and what the changes look like so far. Light refreshments will be supplied and we will be in the Library.

The school uniform is no longer available at Hunting and Fishing and we thank Anton and the team for the work they have done here. The uniform is now available through the school and we will have some set times when someone is available to help r.e. sizes etc. If an item is not in stock it is approx. a 1-week turnaround to get it. The school price list is attached.

Adventure Race
Calling out to our Kaikoura High School Whanau for Helpers Re Kaikoura Adventure Race 2023 Saturday 15th April. We are looking for an STMS (Level 1) to marshal an intersection (quiet country road) for 4 hours, a couple more qualified first Aiders and your fabulous baking skills once again!
As it is the middle weekend in the school holidays again we will do what we did last year. For families who will be away, it would be great if you could drop a container of slices that can be frozen down into the office on the last day of term Thursday 6th April. For those in the hood that weekend Fresh baking can be dropped off at the school gym between 3:00 -4:30 pm on Friday 14th April – cupcakes, slices, biscuits.
This race generates approx $20,000 each year for our school which benefits are kids, so worth getting the cake mixer out If you are keen to help out or be involved please PM Bin Kennedy or text 0276855092.
Thank you
Kaikoura High School Fundraising Group

Upcoming Events

Next week (starting 13 Mar)Mon 13 Attitude presentation
Tue 14 Canterbury Athletics Prelims
Thur 16 School Closed Industrial Action
Week 8 (start 20 Mar)
Week 9 (start 27 Mar)Mon 27 Year 11 OED Rock Trip (2 days)
Wed 29 Assembly
Queenstown resort college visit P5
NCEA Info Evening
Week 10 (start 3 Apr)Thur 6 Last day term 1 – school finishes at 3 pm.

Term 2 starts on Wednesday 26th April!

Kaikoura High School Uniform Price List

KHS Shorts$35.00
KHS Shirts$55.00
KHS Summer style skirt$55.00
KHS Winter tartan kilt$95.00
KHS Socks (pack of 3)$20.00
Plain Navy Fleece$40.00
PE Shirt$40.00
PE Top$25.00
Secondhand items$10 each