Pānui 5

Pānui 5

Academic Review Day – May 10
What is the day? ARD is our equivalent of ‘Parent-Teacher’ interviews. The main goal of the day is to have the students talking about how things are going this year, any issues that need to be addressed and goals created for the rest of the year. It is also a great time to discuss anything important related to life at school. Throughout the day teachers will have multiple appointments with parents and students.

We are aware that May 9th is a Strike day but we also feel that Academic Review Day is worth keeping it where it is. Early next week the booking system will be sent out to parents. Parents will have the ability to book appointments with as many teachers as required and each appointment slot will be 10 mins. Parents will receive a confirmation email and a reminder email May 9. The office will also be able to book appointments via the phone, if needed.
This is what the booking system will look like:

Industrial Action
So far the Teachers Union and the Ministry of Education have not yet reached an agreement regarding teacher employment. Industrial action is ongoing and we have included the dates of year levels affected below. There is also a Strike Day on Tuesday May 9th where we will be closed for instruction as the majority of our staff are Union members and the school will not be able to operate. Rostering home schedule (this means that year group is not at school that day and will not be taught):

Week 2Thursday 4 May Year 11
Week 3Tuesday 9 May Year 12Thursday 11 May Year 13
Week 4Tuesday 16 May Year 9Wednesday 17 May Year 10
Week 5Thursday 25 May Year 11
Week 6Tuesday 30 May Year 13Thursday 1 June Year 12
Week 7Tuesday 6 June Year 10Thursday 8 June Year 9
Upcoming Events
Next weekWeek 2 (start 1 May)
Wed 3Assembly
Thu 4Year 9/10 Health Day, Year 11 rostered home
Week 3 (start 8 May)
Tue 9Strike Day (school closed for instruction)
Wed 10Academic Review Day
Thu 11Year 13 rostered home
Fri 12Year 13 Careers Expo trip
Week 4 (start 15 May)
Tue 16Year 9 Rostered home
Wed 17Year 10 rostered home
Fri 19Pink Shirt Day, NZ Army Band period 5
Week 5 (start 22 May)
Mon 22Year 13 Biology Camp (2 days)
Tue 23BoT Meeting
Wed 24Assembly
Thu 25Year 11 rostered home
Winter uniform is available and there are long grey pants or long navy pants if preferred. A reminder hoodies are NOT part of our uniform and students who wear them to school will be asked to remove them in exchange for a jacket. The hoodie will be held in the school office and returned at the end of the day. School socks are available for those struggling to find socks without logos.

Kaikoura High School Uniform Price List
Girls Navy Pants long and Boys Grey Chinos long – price $70 (boys and girls).

KHS Shirts$55.00KHS Winter tartan kilt$95.00
Plain Navy Fleece$40.00KHS Socks (pack of 3)$20.00
Secondhand items:$10 each